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Definition of magnetic field intensity

Basically, magnetic field refers to a certain area surrounding a magnet which leads to attract other magnetic material like iron, nickel etc. This field is an imaginary field and magnetic lines of force are implemented to get a vivid concept about the pattern of that magnetic field.

The word intensity means the amount of energy congested in a specific area. So, magnetic field intensity refers to the strength of the magnetic field at a certain point. We know that, the strength of magnetic field depends on the number of magnetic lines of force associated with the magnet. So, more number of magnetic lines of force congested in a specific area automatically increases the magnetic field intensity of that area.

Consider you have a solenoid with few turns of wires. Whenever a voltage source is connected with it then it acts like a magnet and starts attracting other magnetic materials. By calculating the magnetic field intensity, we can easily characterize the strength of the external field, that is the magnetic field due to the source.

The measuring unit of magnetic field intensity is Tesla (T). To develop one Tesla field intensity, a force of one Newton must act on a wire of length one meter, which is carrying one ampere of current.

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