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Principles of Solar Electricity

Generation of electricity by using solar energy depends upon the photovoltaic effect in some specific materials. There are certain materials that produce electric current when these are exposed to direct sun light. This effect is seen in combination of two thin layers of semiconductor materials. One layer of this combination will have a depleted number of electrons. When sunlight strikes on this layer it absorbs the photons of sunlight ray and consequently the electrons are excited and jump to the other layer. This phenomenon creates a charge difference between the layers and resulting to a tiny potential difference between them. The unit of such combination of two layers of semiconductor materials for producing electric potential difference in sunlight is called solar cell. Silicon is normally used as the semiconductor material for producing such solar cell. For building cell silicon material is cut into very thin wafers. Some of these wafers are doped with impurities. Then the un-doped and doped wafers are then sandwiched together to build solar cell. Metallic strip is then attached to two extreme layers to collect current.

Conductive metal strips attached to the cells take the electrical current. One solar cell or photo-voltaic cell is not capable of producing desired electricity instead it produces very tiny amount of electricity hence for extracting desired level of electricity desired number of such cells are connected together in both parallel and series to form a solar module or photo voltaic module. Actually only sunlight is not a factor the main factor is light or beam of photons to produce electricity in solar cell. Hence a solar cell can also work in cloudy weather as well as in moon light but then electricity production rate becomes law as it depends upon intensity of incident light ray. 
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