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What is a bilateral element?

What is a bilateral element?

Suppose, an electrical element is connected with a voltage source. In case of a bilateral element, if any change occurred in the polarity of the applied voltage, the magnitude of the current passing through the element is not affected by that polarity change.

Let’s make it simpler. Think “a” terminal is the positive terminal & terminal “b “is negative terminal of any voltage source. If the legs of a bilateral element altered their position, then the current through it will not affected.

Think about a simple resistor, which is connected with a voltage source. If somehow the polarity is changed, that is the (+) & (−) terminal interchanged, then the current passing through it does not affected, that is the resistor still in same working condition.

An important feature of the bilateral element is, it offers the same impedance irrespective of direction of flow of current. A resistor or a light bulb is the example of bilateral element.

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