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Theory of electrical conductivity of metal.

Electrons revolve in orbits around the nucleus. The location of every electron in its orbit signifies a certain potential energy. There is a attraction force between every electron and nucleus due to opposite electric charge. This force is more in the electron to the nucleus than that of farther electrons.
Since, the bond between the outer electron and the nucleus is weaker; it is easy to detach the electron from their parent atom.
As stated earlier, every orbit in an atom signifies certain potential energy, the orbit are also referred as energy level.
When numbers of atoms come closer, the force acts on the electrons, is not only due to its parent nucleus but it is also due to electric forces of other atoms. The effect of is more pronounced on the outermost electrons. Due to these electric forces the energy level of the electrons changes. Obviously, the energy level of outermost electrons suffers the greater changes. Thus the energy level which are sharply defined in an isolated atom, are now broadened into energy bands. Mainly two bands are formed, one is called conduction band and other is valance band. The conduction band is associated with the higher energy level than valance band.
The gap between these two bands is known as band gap or forbidden energy gap. Each material has its won unique band structure. This band structure is generally used for explaining the electrical conductivity of a metal.

In metal, atoms are tightly packed together. Because of that, electrons of outermost shell experience a significant electrical force from neighbouring atoms. So the valance band and conduction band come very close together and may even overlap. Consequently, by receiving a small amount of energy, these electrons readily ascend to higher levels in the conduction band and are available as electrons that can move freely within the metal, as free electron. Whenever an electrical field is applied, these free electrons readily move towards higher potential zone. The movement of electron implies flow of charge within the metal piece. The quantity of charge flows within one second is defined as electric current. This is how metal conducts electricity.

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